EHS PALYJA Information

Environment, Health and Safety aspects are important factors for the sustainability of company businesses. In addition, efforts are made in order to comply with all normative regulations and legislation besides trying to fulfill all requests from related parties and referring to the national as well as international standards.

Since the issuance of the AMDAL (Analysis of Environmental Impact) document in 1999, the activities of Environmental Management and Monitoring have always followed the specified direction with several improvements adjusted with the prevailing Regulation after the document was approved.

Monitoring of discharge water quality from three Water Treatment Plants (Pejompongan WTPs and Cilandak WTP) and the quality of (Krukut) river water and (West Tarum Canal) raw water is the main activity to reduce potential negative impact arising from the upstream (raw water) to the downstream (river as the recipient).

In cooperation with BPLHD (Regional Environmental Control Agency) of DKI Jakarta and using the internal laboratory facilities, overall, the quality of wastewater meets the government standards, except for some parameters which are affected by the deteriorating raw water condition because of the erosion and contamination in the upstream

In carrying out the environmental management system, PALYJA has applied part of the Environmental Management System/ISO – 14001. The implementation was realized through the application of AGC (Astra Green Company), consisting of 3 parts, i.e. ACP (green system, green process, green product, green employees), Critical Point and Legal Compliance Based on the self-assessment, in 2009 PALYJA made several improvements in green process and legal compliance sects, i.e.

P2K3 Organization, Lightening Distribution Rod, Lightening Rod Permit, Forklift, Crane, Hoist and Pressure Vessel. The company’s commitment in carrying out Health and Safety is incorporated in the H&S Policy signed by PALYJA Top Management on 12 November 2008. In its operational activities, PALYJA has 3 (three) major potential risks, i.e. chemical use (especially chlorine), confined space, and working on the road.

Various measures were taken by PALYJA to reduce the above risks, among others occupational accident prevention and eliminating fatality, prevention of Occupational Diseases (PAK) and Industrial Relation Related Diseases (PAHK). In 2009, the achievement of the FR (Frequency Rate) = 1.96 and SR (Severity Rate) = 0.01. The report of the incidents were submitted in the P2K3 meeting as a form of socialization in order to be more aware of and to prevent the similar incident from reoccurring. H&S Training were conducted to prevent and reduce incidents, such as safety riding, safety driving, chlorine handling, confined space, H&S awareness, etc.

The successful application of 15 GdF-Suez standards acquired through GdF-Suez external audit with >70% compliance level placed PALYJA in a green category, equal with GdF-Suez Group companies of developed countries.

To apply and improve the performance of H&S Management System (SMK3), in 2009 PALYJA implemented the OHSAS-1801:2007 in Production and Transmission area, integrated with the Quality Management System of ISO-9001:2008 and Laboratory Management System of ISO/IEC-17025:2005 called PALYJA Integrated Management System (PIMS).